Upload Your Resume on the PIHRA Career Center

Upload Your Resume

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The PIHRA Career Center


Answer true or false about your current resume: 

  • The title on my resume is “Resume”
  • It lacks social media contact details
  • It includes personal attributes and a picture of you
  • It has an overabundance list of jobs
  • It’s only one page

If you answered “true” to any one of these questions, now is the time to upload your resume on the PIHRA Career Center.

Diversify yourself from the other candidates by adding in your name and objective job title. Add your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook links so employers can see your personality and just how transparent you are and remove any personal attributes from your resume (leave those up to your social media sites). Add more accomplishments to show your strengths and take out any past jobs that hold no relevance to your end goals. The key is quality over quantity.

The first way to stand out from the other candidates on PIHRA Career Center is to update your resume and show the employers why you’re the one they’re looking for.

Simply follow the instructions below:

  • Visit pihra.org/jobs
  • Hover over Job Seekers on the top right of the homepage and click on Manage Resumes.
  • Please proceed by logging in using your PIHRA username and password (if you are having trouble logging in, please contact membership@pihra.org or (424) 329-0210)
  • Proceed by uploading your resume.




Eliset Villanueva