• To provide University of California, Los Angeles students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the effective management of human capital in the field of Human Resource Management
• To promote the exchange of work-related experience of established business professionals with the theoretical academic perspectives of student and faculty members through open forums and information exchanges.
• To encourage the acquisition, growth and continuation of our respective careers in human resource management through expanded knowledge, camaraderie, respect and mutual support among chapter members and through our affiliation with PIHRA and our sponsoring chapter.
President: Roslyn Medrano
Treasurer: Amy Xin
Director of Internal Programs: Janika Nevlida
Co-Chair, Internal Programs: Andrea Garzon
Co-Chair, Internal Programs: Emily Oh
Co-Chair, Internal Programs: Jade Wong
Co-Director, Corporate Relations: Sidney Muntean
Co-Director, Corporate Relations: Alexander Dorfman
Director, Student Relations: Carolyn Morelos
Social Media Director: Emily Ha